Monday, November 14, 2011

roots of a smile


for some, a smile is lingering just beneath the surface~ just behind the color of the eyes. it's there, but quietly there. 

today i'm wondering where your smile begins, 
and where your smile finds the light.
today i'm wondering what makes it too hard to hold the smile in? what pulls your lips apart, and your eyes to twinkle? 

for some, eye contact is easy. relaxed. 
some don't look away, some can rest in your eyes, 
are open for what you have to offer.

how do you feel about eye contact? 
who in your life allows you to rest in their gaze?
with whom do you see "eye to eye"? 

are you feeling comfortable in your skin today? are you smiling with confidence knowing that you're doing just what you should be doing? just what you're meant to be doing?

is your smile "off to the side"? what do you know that is lighting you from the inside? is a giggle brewing? is that light inside you relaxing your heart or making it flutter with joy? 


i see a lot of quiet and subtle smiles coming from the adults in my life. occasionally, i will see an adult guffaw! blast! explode with laughter. occasionally. and i'm wondering about that tonight. wondering what it would be like if we all walked around like the kids with whom i spend my days.


the kids who laugh because they can't help themselves. the kids who laugh because, 
why not!?!?
peals of laughter. ripples and tidal waves of laughter. 
all day long. 

how would your day be different if you smiled and laughed like that (again)? 
remember, you too, used to laugh like that. 
nothing quiet about it. 
just pure and loud joy.  

thanks to for so many of the photos found here... it's a light and bunch of smiles for me most days!!

1 comment:

  1. SO funny - these thoughts have been at the surface for me all day. I've felt comfortable in my skin, but a bit too...looked at. I've been trying to look, to make eye contact, to not rush so I can witness the presence of others. But when the table is turned, I wilt!
    As for laughter - this is one of the gifts of parenthood, getting to have giggle fits again. And the sweetest is hearing my little girl have one with her daddy.
