Saturday, October 8, 2011

the hour....

from the elders oraibi arizona hopi nation~

"you have been telling the peole that this is the eleventh hour.
now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
and there are things to be considered:
*where are you living?
*what are you doing?
*what are your relationships?
*are you in right relation?
*where is your water?
*know your garden.
*it is time to speak your Truth.
*create your community. be good to each other. and do not look outside yourself for the leader.
this could be a good time.

there is a river flowing now very fast. it is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. they will try to hold on to the shore. they will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

know the river has its destination. the elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. see who is in there with you and celebrate.

at this time in history, we are to take nothing personally. least of all, ourselves. for the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

the time of the lone wolf is over. gather yourselves!

banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.

all that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration..

we are the ones we've been waiting for. "

so here we go, dear friends.... i read this for the first time just over a month ago, and it has been filling my days since. how are you answering the questions above?
are you feeling in the flow these days? do you trust that the river will carry us to the right place, or would you rather be in a boat paddling, and feeling more in control? are you ready to push away from the safety of the shore, and let it take you?
and how much are you 'struggling' these days?
do you feel like a 'lone wolf'? do you search for community?
i'd love for you all to be a community for me, and for all of us together... will you add your voice?

love and light.
*one voice*


  1. Hello Elizabeth and all,
    Thank you Elizabeth for opening up dialogue and thought provoking questions to allow us to dig deeper for living our best lives and for connecting with people around us. You are a spiritual spear header and I'm so grateful for our friendship and great conversations. I'm definitely on the river trying to not have a boat or a shore to hold on to, but I do always see it in the horizon as a safety net when I'm not feeling strong. I do love that we are creating one voice, one community for us all to share in. Thank you.

  2. Elizabeth, it´s like you are reading my thoughts from all the way across the Atlantic Ocean. This post is exactly what I needed to read right now. I am starting to feel a little lost here in Madrid, being swept down the river, trying desperately to find something I can grab ahold to. The friends I have made are leaving one by one, either moving on to new places, or heading home to the States. I am missing the friends, family, and community I left behind in Maine. Though I have made some wonderful relationships already in the short time I have been in Spain, there is no comparison to the friends I have back home. I think what I am missing most right now is the familiarity, and the comfort, of home. I miss being able to walk into a store or a coffee shop and strike up a conversation with a stranger. To ask a simple question without the fear of sounding like an idiot. Because I don´t know the language here, I feel so alone at times. When I get home, I won´t ever take for granted being able to communicate with people. I am definitely feeling like a lone wolf these days, but I know things will get better. I will make new friends, have wonderful adventures, and become a better person because of it.

    Thank you, Elizabeth, for starting this amazing blog. I am missing you deeply and thinking about you often.

    Besos <3

  3. The universe seems to be begging me, bugging me, screaming at me to let go. Push off from the shore and trust. You are the second person in less than 24 hours to send me that message using the same metaphor.
    I really don't know how.
    Do you have any books, community resources, thoughts, anything to suggest for me? I need to explore this and come up with a plan.(ha! A plan! That is SO not letting go. Baby steps...?)
    Thank you for being a force of light, a source of light, for me and all who know you.
