Saturday, October 15, 2011

stop holding yourself back.

i found this little gem on , a fabulous site to dream and to vision... do any of you have a vision board? the beauty of this site is that you can find endless possibilities, and add your own, if you like.

thinking about this holding yourself back.... have you ever held yourself back? for someone? for something? what is the gain in holding yourself back?

obviously, there have been times when i've held myself back, for someone. for something. and i could say that

and that those times i held myself back, were times i needed to stay back.... but in general, i'm thinking holding back doesn't serve me well. i've found that in the times that i have been as close to my self as i can, are the times that i have soared. the universe knows when you're holding back, and the universe knows when you're being you.

today, i got to climb to the top of a mountain with a group of friends who encourage me to be who i am. everyday, i get to be married to a man who adores me for who i am. there is exhilaration to be had when you surround yourself with this kind of person. who are the people in your life that tell you to "go for it!", to "be who you are!!", to "fling yourself at life!!"? have you ever told them? how about you do that today? i bet it'd bring a whole lot of love into their day...

stop holding yourself back. there are people out there, waiting, waking up in the night wishing, walking down the street looking, for you. for you to be you.

and there will be days when it feels right to hold back. but today is not that day. jump in! live it! love it!give us all that gift!!

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