Sunday, October 9, 2011

letting go~

"i'm scared of what's behind and what's before...."
                              ~mumford and sons 'after the storm'

every day i'm filled with gratitude in the messages the universe gives to me.
of course, i have to be quiet enough and listen.
i have to be still enough and let them sink in.

in yesterday's entry, i wrote about the metaphor of the river, "flowing very fast... great and swift" and the people in it feeling "afraid... [of] being torn apart"... are you someone who can lay in a pool or a lake, or even the ocean, and just float? can you remember that feeling in your body, that moment when you take the first deep breath, and actually let your head tip back, perhaps the water goes into your ears a bit? you feel your hips rise to the surface. your belly softens. your back doesn't need to do any supporting, for it knows,
 "the water's there. i'm being held."

those moments when i begin to feel "scared of what's behind, and what's before", i have to also remind myself of that body memory of floating. because think of it...

  you are floating in a lake... there are fish swimming near you,  you can't see the bottom, there's gooey stuff below if your put your feet down... but you are floating!!! you are being held.

  you are floating in the ocean... there are waves. there are weather patterns. this is a body of water almost unimaginable. the moon is pulling at this water. who can argue with the moon? and yet, you are being held.

there is something very deep within me that remembers to be held in moments of fear, of questioning. do you have something that reminds you to let go? that reminds you that you are held? and what is your experience when you do let go... it's scary at first perhaps. maybe exhilarating?

a good friend asked me this morning if i had any titles that could help in letting go. i'll list a couple that come to mind below, and i'll hope to get some of your titles as well!! let them go! share them here!

*stretching lessons by sue bender
*something more by sarah ban breathnach

as i read the email from the friend above, the mumford and sons song, "after the storm" came on my ipod (a perfect example of the messages the universe presents to me!!)... the end of the song says,

"there will come a time you'll see, with no more tears. and love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears. get over your hill and see what you find there with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."

what is over your hill? what will you find there? can you go there with "grace in your heart and flowers in your hair"? will you tell us what happens? i, for one, want to know!!

~one voice.


  1. As I read this, I realize that when in water, I tread. Endlessly, restlessly, exhaustingly treading water. These metaphors are painfully awakening something...something IN me.

  2. i was just thinking about how, already, you're beginning to let go. awakening is just the opposite of falling asleep (letting go?)... whatever it is that is IN you must be ready to wake up... that's how it always works, you know... at the "right time"... we're here for you through it all... love and light~
